The Evolution of the Wedding Selfie

1. Guest Book

I remember many years ago when I would attend a wedding or any other formal event, the host or hostess would provide a Guest Book and place it at the entrance so each guest could sign in as they arrived.  I would sign my name and sometimes write a short message (either a congratulatory message or a kind condolence.)  You know the books I’m talking about.  Those cheap leather books that once the event is over will disappear into an abyss of STUFF that gets hidden away in an attic in a plastic tote for who knows how long before being discovered by your family members after your demise.  Yeah, dark, I know, but let’s face it-Guest Books are outdated.

2. Signing Frames

Then came the amazing idea of having your guests sign a framed picture of the Happy Couple.  This was actually a very cool idea (one that I happened to use myself in the early 2000’s.)  Yet another way for your wedding guests to personalize their attendance at your wedding by leaving you a forever message on a frame that you MAY hang on a wall in your house-at least until you grow tired of it and decide to upgrade all of your color schemes and pack it away in, you got it, THE ATTIC.  This isn’t even taking into account that one of the groomsmen may have had a bit too much to drink prior to leaving HIS forever “Message” on your amazingly wonderful Signing Frame!  Hey, it happens!  Just sayin’!

3. Disposable Selfie Camera

Around the same time as the Signing Frame came the Disposable Selfie Cameras.  These would either be placed on the reception tables for guests to use while they partied the night away or placed in a basket for you to grab on your way in.  Okay, it’s a sweet idea, but speaking from personal experience, 95% of the photos returned are either blurry or nothing special.  They look cool on the table before everyone starts moving things around and spilling food, but ultimately, your Return On Investment is just not worthy of your once hopeful thoughts of some amazing photos to look at during your honeymoon and leaves you with a “So-What” feeling.

4. Last Name Initial

I must admit, this is neat.  This is still a cool feature to use at your wedding and something you could incorporate into your home décor for many years to come.  If someone writes something not so nice, just paint over it and write something else!  Simple.  However, it’s just one small feature to add. Photos of your guests are awesome to reminisce over for many years to come, but the disposable selfies are “EH”, so what other option could there be?

5. Selfie Sticks

Okay, I think I actually HEARD some of you cringe.  Me TOO!  I’m totally with you.  This has got to be one of the TACKIEST inventions ever.  However, people still use them!  Just not sure they are wedding-worthy.  Tacky!  Tacky!  Tacky!

6. Traditional Photo Booths

We are getting closer Ladies and Gents.  Imagine being a wedding guest and walking into a wedding reception to find THIS.  While it’s vintage and quite outdated (we all know there are more modern versions of photo booths out there), it would still be cool, right?  Just clunky and honestly, how is the bride even going to get in there with her poofy dress?  Not happening!

7. The Party Mirror by Party Mirror Rentals!

Our elegant and sleek Party Mirror is the “WOW” factor any wedding needs!  Imagine a giant 6-foot smartphone.  Now, imagine using the touchscreen feature to interact with it as it counts down “3-2-1” and Snaps a few pictures of you and your crew with silly and zany props!  You can either print the photos, send them to yourself via SMS, email them to yourself and then share on Social Media.  #TheMostAwesomePhotoBoothEver! 

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